
BFMNM – for Whom It is Intended

Dear colleagues, in this article I’m going to explain who could use the platform BFMNM and the Online course “BgEthnoLab”. This is something really important to be well known before you join our club and start with the Online course.

As we can understand from the name of the platform we already know that it is not intended to folk musicians, who has been performed it since they were a children and it is something well known for them. This platform is designed to support musicians who work, play or compose in other styles.

The platform is intended entirely for a singers and instrumentalists who already has an experience and knowledge in the music art (no matter what level – professional or non-professional), but also need to enrich their general schooling and to acquire some more skills, to master a different music style, which they haven’t practiced yet. If you had heard Bulgarian folk music (BFM) so you may already have an opinion about it and it is not necessary to assure you how beautiful it is. If you had never heard this type of music – so it’s never too late to meet with it. Maybe in the working process, we are going to be able to assure those of you, who have never been in touch with BFM that it is unique, impacting, quite emotional, and the most you are connected with it – the more your interest will grow. In other video, we will talk more about why we think this music is unique and could be interesting for musicians, who had worked in different styles until now. In the section articles, you can find more information too.

In case that you have some basic schooling and knowledge in the field of BFM, this platform can be also very useful for you with the detail clarification of some basic techniques, specific manner of performing, and peculiarities, which are not so easy to be analyzed, assimilated and interpreted adequately only with training by the hearing method. Even though you are working with a personal teacher – here you can make this training process easier, as you get an access to a specific information, sheets and exercises. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to contact personally with the authors of the platform, who can answer your questions or searching. We can offer answers, explanations and additional information, according to your personal needs.

You should know that this is a course for training the musicians in a specific style of playing or singing. Here we don not start the education in music from the beginning. We are just adding some more information and some more skills to build up your personal knowledge. Does not matter if you need to use this course for you professional needs or just as a hobby – both cases it can be very useful.

Before you step forward and start to use the platform BFMNM we suggest to pay attention to the article “Basic requirements for training with the platform BFMNM” or just watch video № 3 in the section VIDEO.

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